

This article proposes that the eighteenth-century novel Siebenkäs contains formulation of an aesthetic theory embraces same-sex desire. The novel's author, Jean Paul Friedrich Richter, still relatively unknown among literary scholars today, uses myth Narcissus as blueprint for novel. In doing so, he appears to comply with conventions espoused by his German Romantic peers, many whom considered self-contemplation be a prerequisite gaining access Absolute, term designates unconditioned totality was dear authors, artists and philosophers at time. However, suggests Paul's true purpose is employ subversive ends. particular, author builds upon myth's homoerotic underpinnings – largely (but not entirely) forgotten in eighteenth century articulate aesthetics no longer seeks efface homosexual worldview emerges from this process one foregrounds imitation fundamental building-block queer that, contraposition some dominant thinking age, advocates legitimacy celebrates desire rather than suppressing it. diesem Artikel wird vorgeschlagen, dass der im achtzehnten Jahrhundert erschienene Roman eine ästhetische Theorie darstellt, die gleichgeschlechtliches Begehren einbezieht. Der Autor Literaturwissenschaft bis heute relativ unbekannt ist –, verwendet den Mythos von Narziss als ästhetischen Entwurf für Roman. Damit scheint er Konventionen zu entsprechen, seinen Zeitgenossen*innen aus deutschen Romantik vertreten wurden, denen viele Selbstbesinnung Voraussetzung Zugang zum Absoluten betrachteten d. h. jener unbedingten Totalität, Literatur- und Kunstschaffenden damaligen Zeit am Herzen lag. Dieser legt jedoch nahe, Pauls wahre Absicht darin besteht, Zwecke einzusetzen. Insbesondere baut auf homoerotischen Hintergrund des auf, weitgehend (aber nicht vollständig) vergessen war, um Ästhetik formulieren, mehr versucht, homosexuelles auszulöschen. Die Weltanschauung, Prozess hervorgeht, eine, Nachahmung grundlegenden Baustein einer queeren Vordergrund stellt Gegensatz einem Teil vorherrschenden Denkens Legitimität eintritt, das feiert, anstatt es unterdrücken. Though entirely obscure, late-eighteenth-century Johann Richter more commonly known nom de plume far being well-known name studies today. part, deficit familiarity might traced back fact writing out step styles philosophical production during Indeed, while period which ‘the broadly antagonistic schools Classicism Romanticism held sway’ Europe's German-speaking territories, own instead sought inspiration Sentimentalist novels Laurence Sterne Samuel Richardson;1 although such had enjoyed tremendous popularity earlier century, both England reflected authors’ fascination ‘Empfindsamkeit’ 1740s 1780s2 lands too, it now recognised sentimentalist texts ‘run their course time’.3 Critical scholarship seeking engage literature therefore tends ignore oeuvre, particularly since so Classicist peers Goethe Novalis, instance have gone on enjoy canonical status Studies, effectively drowning writers whose work does neatly align age. resulting inattention regretted, least because much resoundingly successful It bears highlighting, example, second novel, Hesperus (1795), ‘in outsold Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre’, most period.4 peculiar critical should remain disproportionately limited relation success. Strikingly, also exceedingly broad range subjects covered. He ‘critical counterpoint’ offer practically ‘every contemporary position every topic’ critic even though did quite ‘define’ age (one calls ‘Goethezeit’ after all, ‘Jean-Paul-Zeit’), certainly can said ‘embodied’ it.5 author's thus offers valuable window into time, yet another reason deplore relative sparseness attention afforded writing. regard, merits particular attention. generally excluded today catalogues exponents aesthetics, published entire treatise 1804 Vorschule Aesthetik preparation immersed himself ‘long gestation reflection’ ‘absorbed good deal tradition, French English theories, major developments [in aesthetics] Gottsched Baumgarten Kant, Schiller, early romantics’.6 Furthermore, primarily its exploration role humour wit formations, shines spotlight belief (with notable exceptions Aristoteles Kant) only those who are themselves possess necessary speak about theory.7 effective way conversations explains further, through what disparagingly describes formalism mechanical categorization Enlightenment [or] high-flown emptiness idealistic philosophy’.8 Rather, best theorised art itself: ‘Alles Schöne kann nur wieder durch etwas Schönes sowohl bezeichnet werden auch erweckt werden’, proposes.9 Fittingly, then accordance injunction examines thought turning theoretical abstractions found Aesthetik, but novels: Blumen-, Frucht- Dornenstücke oder Ehestand, Tod Hochzeit Armenadvokaten F. St. Reichsmarktflecken Kuhschnappel (hereafter, Siebenkäs), first 1796. plot summarised focusing use lookalikes propel narrative forward. At beginning learns protagonist Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkäs) remarkably similar physique temperament confidant alter ego Leibgeber, two characters legally swapped names living lives bearing each other's identity: other words, Siebenkäs’ originally vice versa. commutation identities begets host problems (as obliged call him, is, effect, wrong name): guardian, Privy Blaise, exchange pretext withhold inheritance eventually plunging poverty and, consequence Siebenkäs's wife Lenette ‘concerned [than is] convention appearance’10 infusing marriage seemingly unresolvable levels strife. Finally, however, striking turn events, all resolved reversal identities, pretending Leibgeber (a pretence name, Leibgeber), departing frame reference altogether travel world. My interest circumscribed nexus sexuality influence queerness which, purposes article, I defining very restricted sense equivalent male theory. lends itself especially well reading, may been queer. monograph signifiers ‘Goethezeit’, Robert Tobin points biographical data credence hypothesis: documented evidence ‘childhood crush fellow schoolboy’ ‘passion’ friend Christian Otto, refers ‘ewig beliebte[n]’; provocative language referring potentially penis ‘love must something physical, twig, down flies. Send me twig.’11 letters (and, incidentally, undertones were commented Eigene, activist magazine twentieth century); ‘antagonism toward religion’ institution's censure bodily pleasures (such pleasure wrestling school, out); perhaps spuriously, ‘Jean self-construction’, say, decision write under pseudonym, according Tobin, signals queerness, just form ‘literary masking’ aligns notion mask [being] staple identity’, choice ‘at time when Germans would regarded France effete effeminate’ discreet signal behavioural traits stereotypically associated time.12 More significantly purported homosexuality, replete relationship between cannot simply interpreted bromance undergirded homosociality. (translated literally ‘body-giver’) indicative ability give ‘corporeality’ fantasies plays key allowing escape image heterosexual bliss.13 Also noteworthy attempts kiss various throughout novel.14 These culminate torrid scene inn, where characters, reunited long absence, ‘ineinander geklammert Fluten Lebens liegen, wie zwei gescheiterte Brüder, kalten Wellen umschlingend umschlungen schwimmen, nun nichts halten Herz, dem sie sterben […]’15 underlines charge novel’.16 Now, argue reading 1796 guilty anachronism since, Michel Foucault's ground-breaking has famously established, homosexuality emerged identity Western Europe late nineteenth century.17 To pre-emptively respond charge, like point Tobin's research once more, expertly demonstrates symbols came had, fact, already begun normalised included played crucial consolidating ‘staying power [these] signifiers’18 over worth noting act sodomy punishable death until 1794, Kingdom Prussia replaced hard labour punishment act.19 holistic identity, then, clear acts understood, case, lethally or corporeally castigated law century. Far anachronistic application modern-day concepts literature, therefore, insight case intersectional With backdrop next section will Siebenkäs, chooses follow programme: based age-old Narcissus. offered attractive discursive framework several areas Its ‘aesthetic manifesto’20 vogue contemporaries, viewed human subject self theme central Narcissus’ story stepping-stone towards Absolute. On surface things, conclude, lookalike (or doppelgänger) motif support substantiate predilection image. follows reliance better understood nature: first, allows question Absolute deconstruct utility story; second, enables him alternative conception draws runs against grain period's conventions. Ovidian telling arguably popular rendition life character Greek mythology beautiful vain young man who, repudiating love mountain nymph called Echo, finds hopelessly enamoured reflection pool water withers away dies. version leveraged source number disciplines Anglo-European tradition. For instance, Magdalena Kučerová psychology, figure traditionally used conceptualise subject's him/herself other; spirituality, inspired idea God; art, mythical enabled contemplate reality illusion.21 When comes artistic proved fecund, discernible variety artefacts movements ranging ‘from Neoplatonism pornography Gothic, [and from] masculinity Decadence feminism’.22 As further arts specifically Jeffrey Berman, traces nineteenth- twentieth-century Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), Oscar Wilde's Picture Dorian Gray (1891) Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway (1925) story, signalling ubiquity European British) tradition.23 One reasons why become Steven Bruhm definitive trope cultural production’24 refused shoehorned any single interpretation. revealed carrying appeal applications profound resonance condition. Berman claims prolific nature derives poignantly pithily represent ‘fundamental oppositions existence: reality/illusion, presence/absence, subject/object, unity/disunity, involvement/detachment’.25 clearly acknowledge different extents ways acquired new resonance’26 ultimately ‘decisive transposition modern worldview’.27 pivotal part renewing associating interpretations highlighted lessons morality regarding perils conceit self-absorption primary vector meaning, centuries leading up era.28 transformation signification probably less do Berman's binarisms Romanticism's reviving re-interpreting Plato Plotinus, third-century philosopher ‘carefully selected passages Plato's dialogues […] starting speculations’.29 Take Joseph Schelling, initiator tradition philosophy’.30 Schelling's established commentary Timaeus.31 Among numerous influences three highlighting context article: Neoplatonic ‘pure absolute “Consciousness”’32 influenced doctrine Absolute’,33 simple terms, distinct assumption there exists unconditionally absolutely’ universe,34 higher power, truth else; convincing Schelling ‘knowledge [A]bsolute [could] achieved philosophically’ could attained art;35 third, prodded claim mediate path selves inspiration, nothing last point, ‘Neoplatonic discourse’ heart ‘designated poets demanding poet search beauty soul within body determine Truth Poetry’.36 worldview, became object (Romantic) longing’,37 argues, ‘mandatory condemned self-desire’ emblematic began characteristic creativity Romanticism.38 Schlegel brothers example connection forged Romantics. exhaustive study 19th Louise Vinge August Schlegel's 1788 poem ‘An Rhapsodin’, poet-narrator recited poem's addressee able ‘elevate beautify poetical works her recital, eyes himself’.39 recital proceeds, witnesses ‘a created’, contemplates, “Narcissus error”’. Perhaps compellingly, aphorism ‘Dichter sind doch immer Narcisse’ (1798), matter uncertain terms;40 sonnet ‘Narziss’ (1800), having address contemplating ‘Tafel, wo sich Schönheit eingeschrieben [hat]’, considers ‘this mirror [to a] tablet inscription, moment epiphany creativity’41 August's brother makes 1798 Lucinde.42 Schlegels imbues ‘new content’, making symbol creative genius come know deepest spiritual forces himself’ merely deployed moralising ends.43 summarises, onwards, ‘one sees aberration, arrogance fatal isolation observation reflection, approach genuine God man’.44 Romantics exercised writing,45 going claim, letter dated May 1803, ‘poetisches System sehr Schlegelisch geworden’.46 Unsurprisingly, Siebenkäs. renewed apparent doppelgänger Leibgeber. word ‘doppelgänger’ coined footnote defines individuals ‘Leute, selbst sehen’.47 Doppelgängers, view, construed separate differentiated subjectivities, they presented here akin individual mirror-image, unlike pond. Which original definition leaves open possibility reflections another. Instead, greater import definitional guidance urges reader view manifestations same entity (‘sich sehen’, emphasis mine), manifestation existence optical contemplation mine). ‘see’ (see ‘sehen’ quoted above) attention, significance transcends bounds itself. wedding, introduced (and doppelgängers provided), narration episode distinctively book-ended words semantic field sight. passage begins ‘beide Ebenbilder einander Kirche erblickten’ (emphasis mine) encounter surprising these incredibly close friends, despite presence six months, proceed greet curtly, before moving mingle rest crowd attendance.48 ‘Mehr sagten nach Jahren nie’, narrator explains, anticipating reader's surprise foregrounding centrality perception opposed verbal communication) doppelgängers’ other. allusion sight, taciturn principally visual mode relationality anything else inappropriate occasion described ‘man Freund Vorhof eines neuen labyrinthischen Gebäudes unseres unterirdischen Daseins treten sieht’49 Whether refer Leibgeber's getting married entering station life, whether suggest deep ‘unterirdischen’ level, recognises soon disappearing public unclear. What appear narrator's marked usage lexical elements allude sight ‘erblickten’, ‘sieht’) describe interaction analogously visible naked eye, see extends beyond literal ‘unterirdischen Daseins’. recesses minds, feat becomes credible hypothesis avatars base entity. apparent, elucidate chose place. this, need look few chapters ‘VORREDE VOM VERFASSER DES HESPERUS’ (henceforth referred ‘Vorrede’) inserted Book II Since himself, brief read metafictional kind constructedness artefact facilitates assimilation perspective fictional narrative’.50 specific passage, author-narrator decries type ‘Schriftsteller’ ‘leider beim Kunststück anderen anschaut, [nicht] Spiegel’.51 Put way, criticises authors seek writerly others themselves. takes issue reasons: training one's beings alone infuses heightened awareness ‘allgemeine[n] Sterblichkeit’ race; awareness, turn, leads wrongly assume ‘Unsterblichkeit’ somehow exceptional fallacious conclusions conditio humana, immortality race.52 A closer understanding requires remind oneself how contemporaries fascinated wit, ‘that (supposed) either ground whole things unity’.53 Although ‘Absolute’ popularised Hegel's Phänomenologie Geistes (1807), 1790s engaging writing, building philosophy conceived including, ‘regulative ideal’ Kant ‘transcendental self’ Fichte.54 approaches different, united them sort connective tissue aspects being; object; past, present future. pervaded forms existence; immortal. race plausibly plausibility bolstered phenomenon Kai Hammermeister romantic suspicion conceptualizing knowledge’.55 increasingly perceived accessed fragments, never entirety. summarises: ‘Romantic theorizing often fragment embedded overarching systematic discussion’ advocated vehemently made gesture take] place system’.56 extent fragments started means glimpsing of. Moreover, eye corollary, required delve mind task suited introspective endeavours focus events entities external privileged Gottlieb Fichte Grundlage gesamten Wissenschaftslehre (1794–5), Guyer Rolf-Peter Horstmann summarise, primordial self-positing lies basis reality’ note, reminiscent narrative).57 gain knowledge, aw

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عنوان ژورنال: German Life and Letters

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['1468-0483', '0016-8777']